Naturally, I come across a multitude of Photoshop byproducts on a daily basis. But having been a user myself since high school, I also have this affliction of being able to immediately notice those horribly rendered works by some clueless graphic artist, perhaps a misspelling or two or maybe even pitiful attempts to enhance a photo to make the model look better or the shot appear awesome. These would often leave me laughing my lungs out until my sides hurt. The photoshop disaster blog shares these same sentiments, collecting horrid attempts at utilizing Photoshop and throws in a knee-slapping comment or two under each entry.
Here are a few samples. See if you can spot the obvious Photoshop fuck ups.
haha!! my post ends here... if you want to throw me some comments,,just put it in my shoutmix...you can see it in my side bar menu...
wow.nosebleed,brain bleed,nailbleed.hahahaha.wow gbabz ah.hayup s english.hehe.My whole body's bleeding.LOL.hhaha.nice post.keep it up frend!mwah